April 6, 2011

my camera.


I got asked quite a few times what camera(s) I use, so I thought I show you my most precious and beloved one. It's
a Contax RTS, and I shoot most of my pictures (not to say all of them) with it. I also get questions about the lens
that I use, I mostly use a Zeiss Planar 1,4/50mm with this camera. For further information about this camera just
click here. I know it's nothing too extraordinary(I'll show you my huge antique Leica collection later ha, ha) but I
love this thing with all my heart.


  1. beautiful selfportraits! and nice camera:)

  2. i'm not normally a fan of self portraits but these are really wonderful!

  3. It would be lovely to see your camera collection!
    Stunning self portrait Marguerite, you look like a beautiful movie star from another time!!xx

  4. These photo's are lovely. Wonderful Blog you have here (-:

  5. love it and am always interested in what sharp shooters like you are using. my boyf is the real camera wielder in our fams but i sure do adore learning more about photography. thanks for sharing and my gosh, you are all kinds of stunning in those pics! happy week wishes. ♥

  6. you are soooo goregous!!! I love the photography too, soft lighting is the best

  7. Oh, I love the dress you're wearing so very, very much. You look beautiful in these photos, dear. :)

  8. w00t both of the camera and lens are such a great combination! I'm dying to see your Leica collection as well ☺

  9. Sorry if I bother, but I want to inform you that I've changed my blog URL into : http://fransiscangela.blogspot.com
    Thank you :)

  10. Nice pictures! You have gorgeous hair.

    I like learning about different cameras. I'm looking into getting a new one but I'm not sure what kind to buy.

  11. you look so stunning in the black dress :)

    to me no matter what camera u uses , you still has the most beautiful photos ever , and they are very inspiring ♥
